E: The society is currently recruiting, please use these details until further notice - email: [email protected] T: 07721 367 351
Enquiries - DSSS, Top o th Close Farm, Cornfield Grove, Burnley BB12 8UD

Cumberland Show - Results

Aged Ram

1st: Mr J Sim, Chapel House

2nd: Miss L Hunt, Croft

3rd: Miss E Hortin, Myrtles


Shearling Ram

1st: Miss L Hunt, Croft

2nd: Miss L Reid, Elite

3rd: Mr N Brown, Irthing Valley

4th: Mr O Marrs, Eden View


Ram Lamb

1st: Mr N Brown, Irthing Valley

2nd: Mr A Jackson, Tiptop

3rd: Mr P Kemp, Whitequey

4th: Miss L Reid, Elite


Aged Ewe

1st: Mr A Jackson, Tiptop

2nd: Miss E Hortin, Myrtles

3rd: Mr N Brown, Irthing Valley


Shearling Ewe

1st: Mr A Jackson, Tiptop

2nd: Mr N Brown, Irthing Valley

3rd: Miss L Reid, Elite

4th: Miss E Hortin, Myrtles


Ewe Lamb

1st: Mr N Brown, Irthing Valley

2nd: Mr A Jackson, Tiptop

3rd: Mr A Jackson, Tiptop

4th: Miss L Hunt, Croft


Group of Three

1st: Mr A Jackson, Tiptop

2nd: Mr N Brown, Irthing Valley

3rd: Miss L Hunt, Croft

4th: Miss E Hortin, Myrtles



Overall Champion

Mr A Jackson, Tiptop, with 1st Prize Shearling Gimmer

Reserve Overall Champion

Mr N Brown, Irthing Valley, with 1st Prize Ram Lamb

Posted: 13 June 2023
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