Royal Bath & West Show 2024
Judge: Robbie Alman Wilson – Cnwch Flock
Full Results:
Aged Ram (5 Entries)
1st: C Plummer
2nd: C & N Lockyer
3rd: Haste
4th: A Carter
Shearling Ram (7 forward)
1st: Haste
2nd: Bett
3rd: C & N Lockyer
4th: D & S Hayward
Ram Lamb (9 Entries)
1st: Bett
2nd: C Plummer
3rd: C & N Lockyer
4th: I Thompson
5th: R, G & S Jones
6th: B Parker
Aged Ewe (5 Entries)
1st: C & N Lockyer
2nd: D Marshall
3rd: C Plummer
4th: A Thomas & I Crump
Shearling Ewe (12 Entries)
1st: C & N Lockyer
2nd: Bett
3rd: Haste
4th: A Thomas & I Crump
5th: A Carter
6th: D & S Hayward
Ewe Lamb (11 Entries)
1st: I Thompson
2nd: C & N Lockyer
3rd: C Plummer
4th: A Thomas & I Crump
5th: C & N Lockyer
6th: R, G & S Jones
Pairs (6 Entries)
1st - C Plummer
2nd - Bett
3rd - C & N Lockyer
4th - A Carter
Group of Three (4 Entries)
1st - Bett
2nd - C & N Lockyer
3rd - C Plummer
Championship Results
Male Champion – 1st Prize Aged Ram, C Plummer
Reserve Male Champion – 1st Prize Ram Lamb, Bett
Female Champion – 1st Prize Shearling Ewe, C & N Lockyer
Reserve Female Champion – 1st Prize Ewe Lamb, I Thompson
Overall Champion
Female Champion & 1st Prize Shearling Ewe, C & N Lockyer
Overall Reserve Champion – Male Champion & 1st Prize Aged Ram, C Plummer
Reserve Overall Interbreed Sheep - C & N Lockyer
Continental Wool on the Hoof Champion - D Marshall
Continental Group of 6 - 3rd place